I guess you could say ima pretty basic-bitch-no-fuss kinda girl. I've never really been super into makeup and to be perfectly honest, I'm just not very good at it. I really don't even want to learn. I do have 4 products I can't live without and they make getting ready super quick and easy. At this stage of my life, I've really got nothing but time, but when you couple that with my hair/makeup extreme laziness I've had to find the most efficient way to feel human when I walk out the door. It doesn't take much, because who's really looking anyway, this is about how I feel.
Your Skin But Better™ CC+™ Cream with SPF 50+
Sleeping is not my strong point and one morning around 4am whilst recovering from a breakup (story of my life) and sipping my coffee, I was simultaneously flipping through channels. The Chopper. Pass. Shake Weight. Pass. Fishing Lure. Pass. Makeup. Now we're talking. You see, after a breakup I'm always looking for some way to feel more empowered, prettier or smarter and this was a way better option than a home gym or a self help book. I got sucked into the IT Cosmetics™ infomercial. You guys, it's good. G-O-O-D. Did you see them conceal an orange? I mean if that's not convincing, I just don't know what is. I don't like ordering from TV so I went to Ulta later that day to pick up my new favorite (a slightly different version than on TV but I assume it's fairly close) and the rest is history. It's not super heavy and has SPF 50+ and it's perfect when you're heading out sans a shower and need to spruce yourself up just a little bit.
IT Cosmetics™ only comes in 7 shades, but Fenty Beauty has 40 shades of foundation.
I think the first time I tried this mascara it was from Sephora one year as my birthday gift. To quote my bestie and business partner "Put on your mascara so you don't look like a pig." Hey, what's wrong with pigs anyway? They are pink and cute. There are worse things than looking like a pig. I have not deviated from Benefit Cosmetics® roller lash in I really don't know how many years. Try it, just get the travel size to see if you like it. You will.
Benefit Cosmetics® GALifornia powder blush
I feel cuter when my cheeks are pink, otherwise I kind of just look like corpse. I pinch my cheeks to try and get myself a little color sometimes (my grandma taught me that). It's a little like mid-evil torture, but it works for a few minutes. Enter GALifornia powder blush. No more torture. I can slap a little of this on and I'm pink-cheeked and good to go. It's a super pretty golden pink and the packaging just makes it feel like sunshine and summer.
How cute is this manicure on Hannah Weir?! 5 Nail Trends you're going to need to try right NAIL! Get it?!
I'm a self admitted Aquawhore. I love Aquaphor. Like. So. Much. After I apply my Your Skin But Better™ CC+™ Cream with SPF 50+, I aggressively exfoliate my lips with a towel to make sure to maximize blood flow that will last like 30 seconds. Eye roll. Then I use Aquaphor instead of lipgloss. It's glorious and it lasts so long. I also use it on my eyebrows instead of that expensive eye brow gel. Cheap. Party of one. I also use it on my skin which is super sensi. I keep it in my bathroom, in my car and in my bag. You just never know when you're going to need it.