Neverrrr have we ever wanted the summer to end like we do this year - the summer, the fall, the winter, it ALL needs to come and go so that that damn ball drops and maybe our luck (as global citizens) changes. Girls can hope, right? Well, a new trend has emerged in the midst of COVID craziness, and we’ll admit that it has us looking forward to the future even more: belated bachelorettes. Because postponing a bridal shower, bachelorette, wedding, honeymoon can be so depressing, but once the wait is over, it can be even better than it would have been before.
Especially a bachelorette trip. Read along for our reasons, and we promiseee you’ll be okay with needing to delay the vacay days.
Okay, so maybe you had to pull the plug on your bachelorette party (due to travel restrictions, state-crossing fears, the fact that social distancing kind of kills a good bachelorette party vibe, etc.), but either your wedding is far enough away that things may be okay or you scaled back the size of the event to something more doable in these circumstances - and you got it done, happily. We’re not sure whether post-wedding blues would be worse in the wake of COVID #becausecancelled or better, because buhbye wedding stress hello newlywed happiness, but either way, having a trip on the horizon can be medicine enough to treat those wedding-over woes.
We’re talking all the Mrs., wifey, and married AF paraphernalia that your partner wasn’t too pumped about, perhaps. Not even saying that this is a guy/girl thing, my hubby would have been totally okay with matching honeymooner T-shirts for the plane, but I wasn’t into it. No, but really, if you had those novelty wears all planned out for your honeymoon, but either didn’t bring them because you got cold feet or couldn’t bring them because your newlywed trip got washed out, bring them for your bach! Your squad will entertain your newlywed-hood enthusiastically.
Yes, it’s true that bachelor and bachelorette parties are typically planned and at least partially paid for by the respective bridal parties. And, a lot of the time, the pre-vow vibe ends up being very “last fling before the ring” - almost too many standards and too much expectation to make it “EPIC.” If you’ve gotten married, though, you can take the reins on the orienteering and really steer the friendship where you want it to go. If you’re not in the mood for a major destination celebration, then you don’t have to have one. A weekend staycation with all of the above effects (your Mrs. X straw hat, your wifey denim jacket, etc.) + some good booze and tunes could be maximum fun just as well. And you know what, now that you have a new hubs or wife at home, maybe they can be part of the fun, too. A good bachelorette is never without some Zaddies 😘. Are we rite or are we rite?!?!!
Instead of making predictions about the wedding - all the what ifs and wait, can you even imagine(s)?! - you’ll be able to talk about the real-life ‘yup, well, this is what went down’ haps. A girls gallivanting outing is kind of primo gossip potential, and we can go crazy with all of the fun stuff brides and their ladies will be downloading on their post-wedding weekends. Everything from the weird stuff that happened “under the influence” to all the random friend hook ups you could have never counted on there being chemistry between. We love it all.
You don’t have to worry about all the stress. This is a trip without wedding strings attached - no dealing with last-minute family drama, vendor hang ups, etc. And you also don’t have to worry about sticking to any pre-wedding “beauty, health or fitness routines" (dieting, eating the right stuff to keep your skin clear, keeping tan-line free, neverrrr heard of it). You can let loose and order ALL the carbs and cheese, because you’ve already locked it down with your lover. No take backs now that you're married, partna!!!