Has anyone else been refreshing their news feeds since last night to see if any more engagement gossip has popped about Jennifer Lawrence and her guy, Cooke Maroney? We can’t be the only ones obsessing over this huge piece of pop culture news…
One of our favorite girl crushes in life is officially off the market, and since it’s only been eight months since these two got together, we’re a little stunned - but also, soooooo freakin excited!!
This means we’ll likely be seeing J.Law in custom Dior (well, we can only imagine) for the big day, and it’s going to be epic. Tousled golden locks, a beautiful red pout, and flawlessness that can only be Jennifer’s. Plus, and we hope, a bridal party that includes Emma Stone, Amy Schumer, etc. But until then, we can only speculate.
And while Jen’s people have confirmed the news that she’s, indeed, engaged AF - we still don’t have evidence of the ring. She’s totalllllly off the Gram grid, and her art dealer fiancé, Cooke, keeps a very quiet, private profile (my only mutual connection is The Fat Jewish, and it doesn’t seem like he’s meming any of juicy jewelry jams, so yah), but according to reports from TMZ, Page Six and ALL the other celeb pubs, the rock is “massive.”
That’s all we know: that it’s massive and being worn on THAT finger. So, instead of holding out on those official ring shots - which may or may not ever come (I feel like we’re going to have to wait for an Oscars red carpet interview to get all the real deets) - we rounded up some stunning rings that we really could see JL wearing the s*** out of.
Let’s be honest, she’d look beyond with a rubber band artfully wrapped around her finger, but based on the jewelry choices that we’ve seen her make over the years, these are the options we think she’d love from a few of OUR favorites.
Not saying that Jen isn’t totally pristine, but we see her gravitating to a much more ‘rough cut’ rock. It suits her.
Again, she might absolutely shock us with a classic and snowy white stone, but we don’t think it’s going to go that way. We’d place bets on something grey, yellow, black, moonstone even?
When Jen does rings, she does big ones, chunky settings, big baubly looks, clusters. And she’s a huge fan of stacking. So there will also be an artistic/geometric component to its aesthetic.
Scroll through our predictions…. Can’t you imagine?!?