There aren’t toooo many things about planning a wedding that can get you super psyched (well, apart from the ring, the dress, the cake, bossing everyone around because you can - if you’re the bride, I guess there is), but one of the things that’s definitely a good time is choosing your signature cocktail. If you want one, of course, and we’re certainly big fans. Even if heading out to the bar to do some ‘taste testing’ is just a ploy to get your groom involved in the wedding planning, you’ve got the right idea and we’ll just be over here cheersing your mixology meddling.
Not only can a signature sip save you some money in the food & bev department, because an open bar is a top-shelf expense - premium liquor or not - it can also be a great way to get into a theme, honor a loved one who’s dearly departed (toasting with their token cocktail is such a sweet tribute), and give your guests a real taste of your relationship, what makes it tick (or tipsy?), etc. Also, with a signature cocktail on the docket, you can tryyyy, at least, to curb your guests’ hangovers - not mixing liquor the whole night is a good way to get there.
Offering a signature cocktail is also super strategic, according to Minibar Co-Founders, Lindsey Andrews and Lara Crystal.
“A signature cocktail is fun and playful and allows you to add some personality to your wedding bar. It gives guests a recommendation on what to drink and cuts down on waiting time for the crowd, since bartenders know the signature cocktail ahead of time and can have them ready in advance. The last thing you want at your wedding is people waiting for drinks!”
Whether you do it with one drink that perfectly blends the two of you into sippable liquid form or instead opt for two drinks that suit both of your tastes - his and hers, his and his, hers and hers - serving up a signature drink just adds that much more detail and creativity to your nuptials celebration. Extra points, too, if what you land on LOOKS amazing. Those colorful, glowy cocktails in the prettiest glasses or coupes. That’s what reception iPhone snaps are all about: portrait mode in motion, game on.
Any of which (and in combination) work if you’re wondering...
Did your beginning start at a bar and end with you two sipping Tequila Sunrises, well, straight on till sunrise? If one drink meant so much to you and your partner, then it obvi has to be your signature serve. Or maybe he jumped in to order you your first drink - something you never would have chosen in 7000 years - but it was the best choice. Something you can drink until the end of time now.
No one will fault you for choosing a seasonally-appropriate elixir for your best day ever. If anything, it just gives guys AND girls the opportunity to drink something that might otherwise seem gender-specific. Mint Juleps don’t exactly scream masculine AF, but in May or June, they’re delicious to anyyyyone. Same for Fall! I don’t love whisky or bourbon, but if I have some apple cider to mellow things out, then I’m all for it.
To return to an earlier point, there’s something to be said about using one of your Friday or Saturday nights to venture out in the spirit of your wedding cocktail situation. Try out a mixology class or even head to one of your favorite bars and ask your favorite bartender to give you and your boo a crash-course in cocktail chemistry. Bartenders are GENIUSES and chances are, if you give them some direction, flavor profiles you’re both into, ingredients you love, they’ll be able to pick a bespoke pour that’s perfect for you two.
“If you are looking for a single cocktail that suits both of you, we recommend starting with a classic and adding a twist. You can also try to blend each of your favorite drinks, for example, the bride’s Moscow Mule, and the groom’s bourbon sour, to create a Kentucky Mule. This ensures it’s something you will both like and is also representative of your union.”
While you’re considering what you and your S.O. should do for your S.C., you can have fun playing with online generators. I’m OBSESSED with Make Me a Cocktail and it’s pretty great if you know what liquors you love, what accents/star ingredients you like to mix with, and/or even what flavors-colors-textures would be on brand for your wedding. I started with my favorite wine - a rosé Cava - and threw in a flavor I know goes really well with it (blackberry liquor), and beep boo beep, Chambord & Champagne popped out as signature cocktail inspo. Now, of course you’ll need a creative name to go along with it, but what a way to start....
And if all else fails, and you don’t want to spend an entire Friday night generating phantom cocktails - i.e. what I’m doing RN - then going with something simple, like Vodka, is always win-win.
“Vodka is a great, neutral option when choosing a spirit, as it mixes well with so many different things. When it comes to vodka, you have the option to go with something sweet, something refreshing or even something spicy (if you’re into that).” ~ Mininbar’s Lindsey + Lara
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Tips to Trick Out Your Wedding Bar
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